Easter Interlude

I spent Easter weekend at Triyoga in London. It was the first time since having children that I didn’t have them with me so wanted to do something different to mark the occasion instead of sitting at home wishing they were with me.

I spent Friday and Sunday with Elena Brower – she is probably most well known as a yoga teacher on yoga glow but she published a book recently ‘The Art of Attention’ which I greatly enjoyed reading.

I’ve blogged before about how the reality of working as a yoga teacher often means it’s very hard to get to a class and be a student. I try and give myself a gift of a workshop every year. Not just to make time for myself and my yoga practice but to stop getting burnt out and reinvigorate my own practice. 

If I had to condense the days into a few things I have taken away it would be this:

Changing the placement of the hands in Utthita Parsvakonasana ( extended side angle) 

Prayers of honoring’ by Pixie Lighthorse


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