I first came to Yoga thanks to Madonna ( click to see her views on yoga from the 90’s – who knows if she still practices but THANK YOU Madonna for introducing me to yoga)- no I don’t know her and have never met her personally but I always loved her music and one day in the late 90’s I read an article talking about how she had transformed her body through regular practice of Ashtanga Yoga. I was living in London and soon found an instructor Gingi Lee Ashtanga studio in Battersea and fell in love with the practice – hot, sweaty, dynamic, athletic it soon changed my physical body and a by product that I hadn’t expected was a mental clarity and calmness off the mat. I was working for a national newspaper in the advertising department and the dynamic Yoga practice complemented the furious pace of work in the office. This was only the beginning of my journey however – over the years I fell in love, married and had children- During this time I slowed down to the rhythm of my body and enjoyed the gentle meditative flow of pregnancy Yoga which helped me with the physical and mental aspects of childbirth.
Divorce, the loss of a beloved parent- all these experiences have changed and shaped my practice- redundancy gave me the opportunity to study Yoga and do my initial 200 hour TT at Yoga Dharma in Southend. I was then able to fulfil my dream of going to New York to study with the inspirational team at Laughing Lotus.
Yoga has bought balance and joy to my life and I get excited every time I get a new student and see how much enjoyment can be gained in just one session on the mat.
I am very grateful to all the wonderful teachers I have had but especially to Gingi Lee who taught me my first set of Asana, Fran and Martin at Yoga Dharma and the fabulous ladies of the Lotus: Dana Trixi Flynn, Sheri, Ali and Mary Dana